Achillea ptarmica (Sneezewort)

What is a Achillea ptarmica (Sneezewort)?

Achillea ptarmica (Sneezewort) - What is it? Achillea ptarmica, commonly known as Sneezewort, is a herbaceous perennial with clusters of small, white flowers. How does it grow? Sneezewort forms dense clumps of lance-shaped leaves and produces flat-topped clusters of tiny, button-like flowers in summer. The flowers can be pure white or have a hint of pink. Care tips: Plant Sneezewort in well-drained soil and full sun to partial shade. Provide consistent moisture, especially during dry spells. Deadhead spent flowers to encourage prolonged blooming. Characteristics: Sneezewort is suitable for wildflower gardens, meadows, or along water features. It is a charming addition with its airy blooms and green foliage.

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